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2018 Burlesque Performers, News
Sapphira is a burlesque enterpreneur who believes in positive thinking. She founded the Ibiza Burlesque Festival and Sapphira’s Showgirls Burlesque Academy which operates in Melbourne, London and Ibiza. Her world record events have been supported by Benefit Cosmetics, Virgin Atlantic and she and her professional dancers are dressed by Dita Von Teese lingerie. She is author of the autobiography Burlesque or Bust shining a light on the healing transformation she found in burlesque after overcoming bipolar and she has rubbed shoulders with Sir Richard Branson, Dita Von Teese and Sir Charles Billich in her quest to raise funds for mental health and Butterfly Conservation.

Thank you to the cast and crew who created the second magical Ibiza Burlesque Festival, we had 7 countries represented and it was an honor to work with such a talented cast.

Special Guests – Kim Cameron and DJ Halo (USA)

Alexandria Watson (UK)

Blanche de Moscou (Russia)

Dolly Delicious (UK)

Innocence Bliss (Scotland)

Jamila (UK)

Miss Joelle D’Amour (Russia)

Miss Sandy Floss (UK)

Sapphira (AU)

Sassy La Showdoll (UK)

Scarlet Lovelace (Italy)

Sheila S Siani (USA)

Tinka Demand (Gemany)

Tonestepa (UK)

